ALL members of the School Community work towards the school’s aims.
For us this means:
- We will work together to develop the children’s interests, creativity and ambition.
- We will be inclusive, respecting each other’s rights, values and beliefs.
we will promote good relationships and a sense of belonging to the school community. - We will work positively as a team supporting and encouraging one another built on mutual respect.
- We will work restoratively, encourage our pupils, praise and positively reinforce good relationships, behaviour and learning.
- We will offer equal opportunities in all aspects of school life and recognising the importance of different cultures and needs.
- We will provide a clean, safe and well organised environment in which all are fully aware of expectations.
We do this in the following ways by
- Structured learning of language and literacy skills enabling access to the whole curriculum.
- Providing a broad, rich, differentiated curriculum.
- Providing a happy, safe environment where children feel secure.
- Establishing relationships of trust and mutual respect.
- Promoting pride in our learning achievements through positive rewards.
- Illustrating pride in achievement through assemblies, high quality displays and parental engagement.
- Welcoming representatives from the wider community.
- Developing partnerships with parents /carers.
- Having a learning relationship agreement which is consistently in the school.
- Encouraging children to achieve high standards in their work, their behaviour and in the way, they treat each other and by having high expectations of ourselves as practitioners.

- Challenge and support the leadership and management team to achieve the highest possible standards of achievement for all children, both academically and socially.
- Are actively part of the school and wider community.
- Work with leadership and management to promote inclusivity, diversity, equal opportunities and respect.
- To be reflective practitioners and critical friends to leadership and management.
- Are effective and inspirational, motivating the school community to achieve to their full potential.
- Work effectively as a team to ensure the best possible outcomes for the children and school community.
- Have a clear, rigorous and relentless remit to improve standards and outcomes for children.
- Work inclusively, respecting each other’s, staffs, parents and pupils, rights, values and beliefs.
- Work effectively with governance to achieve the highest possible standards of achievement for all children, both academically and socially.
- Are able to provide children with opportunities to develop core values, skills and a well-rounded education.
- Are reflective practitioners who welcome development.
- Effectively promote and deliver equal opportunities and diversity and adapt to the individual needs of the children.
- Create an environment in which staff and children can feel successful and a sense of belonging.
- Promote restorative working, are kind, respectful and are positive role models for staff and children.
- Work restoratively with children, staff, parents and the school community.
- Promote good attendance, healthy lifestyles and the importance of sleep and exercise.
- Enjoy working at school, are engaged and feel successful in their work.
- Work inclusively, respecting each other’s, parents and pupils, rights, values and beliefs.
- Are able to provide children with opportunities to develop core values, skills and a well-rounded education.
- Are able to effectively plan and deliver high quality learning experiences.
- Are reflective practitioners who welcome development.
- Effectively promote and deliver equal opportunities and diversity and adapt to the individual needs of the children.
- Create an environment in which children can feel successful and a sense of belonging.
- Promote restorative working, are kind, respectful and are positive role models for our children.
- Work restoratively with children, parents and the school community.
- Promote good attendance, healthy lifestyles and the importance of sleep and exercise.
- Enjoy school, are engaged and feel successful in their learning
- Value education and work to achieve their full potential
- Can become motivated, resilient, aspirational and collaborative learners
- Feel successful and have a sense of belonging
- Are kind and respectful, take responsibility for their actions and the treatment of others in line with the principles of Restorative Practice.
- Attend school in good health maintained by adequate diet, exercise and sleep.
- Attend school regularly and on time.
- Work positively with school to support children’s achievements.
- Participate in discussions concerning their child’s progress and attainments.
- Communicate effectively with school to discuss matters which affect a child’s happiness, progress and behaviour.
- Feel supported, informed and empowered to support their child.
- Work collaboratively with the school to positively impact on their child.
- Ensure that children attend school in good health, regularly and punctually.
- A modern, safe and purposeful learning environment for children
- An engaging and vibrant learning environment
- Resources and equipment that are up to date and regularly reviewed
- Offering opportunities within in and out of the school day
- A kitchen that is clean and produces healthy meals, daily.
We have a friendly and welcoming atmosphere and undertake a variety of initiatives to make staff, governance and parents’ partners in our school. This includes invitations to open days, special assemblies, reading mornings, concerts and sporting events. We look towards establishing relationships of trust and mutual respect in order to enhance the children’s education.
We have a highly committed staff with shared aims and philosophies designed to offer a wide range of opportunities to children and have high standards in terms of achievement and quality learning experiences.