School Uniform
- Hill View Academy branded jumper or cardigan
- White polo t-shirt
- Black or grey trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore dress
- Yellow or green gingham summer dress
- Black or white socks
- Black school shoes (no trainers or sandals)
- Stud earrings ONLY
PE – On the days when your child has PE, they may come to school in their activewear
- Black jogging bottoms or shorts
- Black or white plain t-shirt
- School jumper/cardigan
- Black trainers
NOTE: Earrings must be removed for PE/swimming and long hair must be tied up
Second-hand uniform
We have a large selection of second-hand uniform in school and post regularly on Class Dojo to show parents the items/sizes we have available.
Parents can then contact Mrs Haley or the school office to request items.
If any parents have any uniform items (including coats and shoes) that they no longer require, then these would be gratefully received for us to pass on. Please bring these items to the school office.