Welcome from the Headteacher
Thank you for taking an interest in our school. Our academy is a vibrant, diverse and welcoming community, which we want to be an outstanding place to learn but also work – where hearts and minds connect. The children of Hill View Academy and the whole Almondbury community deserve the absolute best and I will do everything in my power to deliver that. I want to help create a school, working closely with our amazing staff team and other community leaders, that your children are desperate to attend – a place they feel safe and happy, excited and enthralled. A school they can proudly call their own! I am passionate about giving children opportunities to succeed in not just the core subjects but more widely; drama, music, art and sport for example.
Personal development will be at the heart of Hill View Academy; our broad and balanced curriculum is underpinned by the core values of the 4R’s: respect, responsibility, resilience and reflection. All children have the right to excel and I will always strive to provide every child with opportunities to fulfil their dreams and ambitions whilst striving to provide a caring and nurturing environment which values the uniqueness of each child. Through developing confidence and communication skills and being able to learn within our wider community, we aim to develop our children into confident, well-rounded individuals who have a belief that their voices and actions can contribute positively to modern society.
Best wishes,
Kieran Pritchard

Our Aims
• To ensure that the achievement, personal development, and well-being of children is the primary concern of all
• To create outstanding learning and teaching which engages pupils, is active, collaborative and encourages independence
• To foster pupil voice which involves children in the development and delivery of their own education and the life of their academy
• To construct a curriculum which meets the needs of all learners, is engaging and fun
• To develop professional networks which provide opportunities for pupils
• To understand and promote community cohesion within the curriculum and wider opportunities available to children and families
Visions and Values
Our vision is to ensure that learning is engaging, active and fun. We want children to love school, be happy and healthy. Central to the vision are the following key drivers, which will prepare children for the next phase of their learning and how they will play an active role in modern Britain.
• People and Places – A simple model for creating visible consistencies and underpins behaviour in the daily life at Hill View (Resilience, Respect, Reflection and Responsibility). The 4R’s are intended to support learners learning behaviours in the academy but are also linked to British Values and their SMSC development in order to prepare them for life in modern Britain.
• Experiences – We strive to give children as many opportunities as possible. This is because children’s personal development is crucial to becoming a happy learner. Whilst at Hill View, children have an entitlement to participate in drama, music, art, sport and outdoor educational activities. Central to this is an award scheme called i-challenge which values outdoor and adventurous opportunities, recognising the contribution this makes to a child’s personal, emotional, and social development.
• Aspirations – Raising aspirations and aiming to be the very best that we can be. Challenging ourselves to dream, believe and achieve across a wide range of activities, we value what we measure.
• Knowledge and skills – Developing language and providing knowledge in order to apply in a range of skills in different contexts is fundamental to our curriculum. We want children to have knowledge and skills that can be used to support their community and beyond.