Keeping children safe is our highest priority!
At Hill View Academy safeguarding is our number one priority and everyone’s responsibility. The information on this page explains some of our key provision and systems. It is not intended to replace or substitute the reading of our Safeguarding policy. For us, safeguarding goes beyond what is statutory and is our highest priority.
Our designated Safeguarding leads are:
Designated Safeguard Lead
Deputy Safeguard Lead
Deputy Safeguard Lead
Deputy Safeguard Lead
Deputy Safeguard Lead
What do DSL's do?
• Respond to any safeguarding concerns
• Liaise with social care and other agencies
• Talk to parents about concerns raised where appropriate
• Update safeguarding records
• Lead and coordinate whole school training and updates
• Meet regularly with the safeguarding team and teachers to communicate relevant information
• Meet the safeguarding Governor and report to Governors
• Update the school safeguarding policy in line with Trust central team direction
• Attend local DSL networks and training

All staff appointed to work in school, including work/student placements, have a criminal record search called a DBS check. This search highlights people who have a criminal record or if previous allegations have been made against them. If any member of staff is found to have a criminal record, the appointment is reconsidered by the school with support and advice for the Local Authority.
Key members in school and the governing body, have attended Safer Recruitment training and all appointment panels where the candidates are:
External applicants will be attended by at least one appropriately trained member.
Newly appointed staff are given an induction and are familiarised with procedures, policies and safeguarding practices, which affect the health and safety of all at school, especially the pupils.
All volunteers must have an induction session and also have DBS clearance. For any extended contact with children, when children may be left alone with an adult or when an adult visitor may be in and around the school building, a full DBS search will be conducted. Visitors who do not yet have clearance will under no circumstances be left along with a child or group of children.
First Aid:
We have key trained members of staff, designated to oversee first aid and there are a number of first aid kits situated around school.
Where these is any cause for concern, staff deal with children with high levels of sensitivity and always seek guidance from a member of the school leadership team. Wherever necessary, parents will be contacted or asked to come into school immediately so that they are part of the decision making process for such matters.
In the case of an emergency, the school will call for emergency treatment first before contacting the parent.
Site Security:
Hill View Academy is a secure site with door access controls and a visitor register. We have clear routines and procedures in place, but the site is only as secure as the people who use it and the whole school community has a responsibility to help us maintain security. Our children and parents are crucial to this process and we encourage you to report any concerns to the school office.
We take great care to maintain a secure site around the perimeter of the school and all children are supervised at all times. We lock our school gates during the school day and visitors must always report to school via the main reception.
Health & Safety:
The school has a health and safety policy, which is monitored by the relevant members of the school governing body. We have regular H&S inspections and meetings to ensure we are compliant with all Health and Safety responsibilities. The Headteacher, School Business Manager, Dalkia and Governors with responsibility for Health and Safety oversee this comprehensive list.
Any concerns from staff are reported to any of the above and an initial examination takes place immediately, assessing what remedial action needs to take place. Our children are also encouraged to be involved with the Health and safety in school and report any concerns they may have. On at least a termly basis, there is a fire drill to practice efficient evacuation from the buildings. The school conducts an annual Fire Risk Assessment and receives regular visits from the Fire Service and the Local Authority Fire Officers.
In addition to the Health and Safety Policy there are policies and risk assessments in place regarding Food and Drink and Food and Hygiene. These determine safe practices in school and the Kitchen/ Dining Room.
If members of staff ever have any concerns about people working within the school, paid or unpaid, they have a professional duty to inform the Headteacher or Governing body accordingly. This can be done in writing or verbally but staff should be prepared to discuss issues in the confidence that any such matter will be dealt with sensitively and with the highest appropriate level of confidentiality.
Pupils must arrive in school by 8.50am on each school day. The register for the first session will be taken at 8.50am and will be kept open until 9.05am. Parents must notify the school everyday of an unplanned absence – for example, if their child is unable to attend due to ill health – by 8.30am or as soon as practically possible. Parents may notify the school of an unplanned absence by phoning 01484 976216 or emailing office@hillviewacademy.co.uk
Please do not use Class Dojo to inform school that your child is absent.
First day of absence – A phone call will be made from school if no contact has been made by parents/carers. If no answer then school will send a message via School Ping/ Class Dojo asking for contact to be made.
Second day of absence – A phone call will be made from school if no contact has been made by parents/carers. If no answer then school will send a message via School Ping/ Class Dojo asking for contact to be made.
Third of absence – School staff will make a home visit if no contact has been made regarding this absence. A home visit may be made sooner than the third day if there are concerns about a child’s wellbeing. A calling card will be left if no one is at home to say that someone has visited and request you to call school.
If following a home visit there is no contact from parents/carers, school may make the decisions to contact the police or Children’s Social Care.
Hill View Academy uses images of children, both on our website and on our social media pages. However, parents are given the option at intake to refuse the use of their child’s image. Parents can change their preferences at any time by requesting a consent form from the office.
At Hill View Academy we work to ensure that everyone is treated fairly. All children are given equal access to the school and its curriculum and all are considered equal in the learning partnership.
When children have special needs, we make arrangements to inform parents and design specific programmes. We ensure that the outcomes for all groups of children allow them to reach their full potential.
Children with physical needs and disabilities must be able to take a full and active part in every lesson and activity, and every measure is taken to ensure this.
Good behaviour is essential in any community and we have high expectations for this. Our Behaviour Regulation Policy shows our strong emphasis on positive approaches, but also our clear boundaries in responding to behaviour choices that threaten the learning, wellbeing or safety of others.