Welcome to our Nursery & Reception
Places available for children ages 3 - 4 with up to 30 hours of free childcare available
15 hours free childcare
At Hill View Academy the 15 hour, 3 year old entitlement is offered through;
5 x mornings per week
30 hours free childcare
We do offer 30 hours free childcare places for children aged 3 – 4 years old, where parents / carers meet eligibility criteria and we have places available.
Full day option
Where places are available, children can attend a full day session from 8.50am until 3.20pm. Funded hours can be used for the morning session (8.50am-11.50am) and the afternoon session (12.15pm-3.15pm).

Nursery Placements
Our start dates our:

Nursery Placements
This is the same each year and is dependant upon the availability of places. Please use the buttons below to download the application and request form.
Reception Placements

7 Areas Of Learning
‘Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances.’ Taken from the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage September 2021. At Hill View Academy we seek to give children the best start in their education through the quality provision and learning experiences that support every child’s development in the 7 areas of learning:
Personal, social and emotional
Communication and language
Physical development
Understanding the world
Expressive art and design
We offer quality early years education for children from 3-years-old to the end of the Reception when children are 5-years-old.
In Nursery, adults will play with children, tuning into their learning needs and deliver teaching in the moment. Children will come together at points through the session to read stories, sing songs and talk with the adult leading. When children go into reception, these adult led activities gradually lengthen as children’s attention span increases and key concepts such as phonics and maths are explored.
Playing is learning when you are a small child and we harness this by offering play opportunities in our settings. You will find a calm and purposeful learning environment where children are engaged in play by themselves, with their friends and with adults. They are learning social skills, communication and language as well as practising key concepts they learn from adults.
At Hill View Academy we are committed to teaching our children to read in the early years of school so they are able to successfully learn in the future. We teach children the essential speaking and listening skills in nursery and then move on to teaching children to read through phonics in reception and beyond. We teach using the Essential Letters and Sounds scheme and children love learning actions and being successful at reading.
Arrange a Visit
We warmly welcome you to visit our academy and see our high-quality provision for yourself. Please get in touch, we would love to meet you and show you around.